How Fred Freyer Helps Land Owners

For over 40 years Fred has been a leader in representing land owners in the sale of their properties.

Every land tract is different. The highest and best use of raw land is in the eye of the beholder and thus can be various things depending on one’s perception. Fred’s vast experience allows him to be creative regarding highest and best use which translates into determining the highest value for a property and thus the highest selling price.

Before listing a property Fred will sit down with the owner to understand the owner’s needs, goals and ideas about a property. After gathering all the facts Fred will consult with the owner to establish a price at which the property will be offered for sale.

Fred is very experienced in negotiating land transactions and by representing the owner insures that the owners’ best interests are maximized.

Fred has learned that the only way to really know the value of land is to aggressively market the property to qualified buyers and encourage them to make offers. Generally, after two or three offers the owner will get a good feel for a property’s value.

Fill out the form below if you are interested in Fred’s opinion about the marketability of your property.